What is the purpose of the goalie crease in hockey?

If you are a new hockey fan you would be excited to know every single thing about hockey. You must be here to know about the crease in hockey like many other new fans of hockey. No worries you are at the right place to get your answer.
What is a crease in hockey? The crease is a blue-colored shaded area present in the front of the hockey goal. This is the hockey goalie’s area where he stands to stop the shorts and pucks from the opposing team. The goalie is all related to this crease and has to manage what’s going on around the crease.

There are a lot more exciting things to know related to the hockey crease. So, stay tuned with us to get all the information you want about the crease in hockey.

What is a Hockey Crease?

The crease is a blue-shaded ice section in exactly front of the goalie’s net. The goalie stands in this shaded area to stop the opposing team to score a goal. A crease is mainly related to the goalie of the team where he puts all his efforts to win the game.

This is a complete protective area for a goalie. The goalie is safe to contract with other players as long as he is standing within the crease. A crease is also a power zone for goalies where they can control the things within or around the crease. 

Crease In Hockey

Moreover, the crease is a reference point for the goalies where they can stop the opposing team to play a puck. The crease area also helps to determine the right position to stand for the goalie according to the net. In NHL a crease has 8 feet in width and 6 feet in length (half-circled shape). It is a blue large portion with a red goal line.

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What is the purpose of the crease?

There are two main purposes of a crease that we will discuss here:

  •  Protection and safety 
  •  Provide strength to stop the opposing team 

Protection and safety from contact with other players 

A crease is a safety zone for a goalie because it protects him to contact with other players. While standing in a crease a goalie is present in a  protection zone where no player can contract with him. Not only the players of the opposing team, but goalies also do not contact the players of their own team once they are within the crease.

The goalie and other players cannot contact even accidentally to some extent. But, it is possible if the skates, pads, all equipment, and the body of the goalie are inside the crease. A crease also provides a safe portion where a goalie can fight to stop the puck or goal.  

Provide strength to stop the opposing team 

When a goalie is present within a specific portion called the crease he has the strength to stop the goal of the opposing team. A goalie gets a special zone where his power to play against his opposing team increases. 

There he can manage all that’s happing around the crease. Furthermore, goalies will be able to determine the exact position to stand on the ice. So, he will play confidently without looking for the right position on the ice repeatedly.

Importance of Crease in a Hockey Game

Crease plays a very important role in a  hockey team to win against any other team. This is the place where the goalie of the team stands, if he works well his team will get more winning chances. If the goalie of a team is not performing well the team can lose the game. So, here we will discuss three points to understand the importance of a crease in a hockey game.

1. Crease works as a reference point for the goaltender

A goalie’s duty is to stop the opposing team from scoring goals. His job needs concentration without any distractions. Therefore, a goalie task is considered as hardest to perform during a hockey game. A wrong position of the goalie on the ice can distract him and his team can lose the game. 

Crease works as a reference point for the goaltender

A goalie should stand in front of the net to prevent the goals of the opposing team. So, here a crease works as a reference point for the goalie. Due to the crease, a goalie gets a specific position to stand. 

When a goalie finds this position he can just focus on his target (to stop the goals of the opposing team) instead of setting the position repeatedly. In this way, the goalie can keep an eye on all the players and their moves. As a result, the winning chances of his team increased.

2. A crease offers a place to block the puck

Stopping the shots is really a tough task for goalies. They bear some extra pressure in the game because if the goals are not stopped a team can lose the game. Goalies have to keep themselves alert every second during the game. If goalies are not feeling comfortable and are not able to move freely they will be disturbed.

Block The Puck

Goalies can be irritated if they don’t get a suitable place to play. So, here crease also plays a vital role. It offers a pointed area where goalies can move, play, and block the puck or shoot freely. Inside the crease, a goalie is free to cover the puck in order to stop it.

3. Crease provides protection to the goalie

When a goalie is inside the crease he just needs to focus on stopping the puck. Therefore, no one is allowed to contract with the goalie during this time period. If any player contacts the goalie he will go to the penalty box for 2 minutes.

Protection For Goalie

If a goalie is stickhandling the puck out of the crease and a player contact with him there will not be a penalty. In this way, the goalie remains protected from contact with other players within the crease.

Related Post: Where can the goalie play the puck?

Hockey rules related to crease

We have already discussed one of the hockey crease rules. Now we are also  going to discuss all the other rules:

  • There should not be any contact between the attacking players and the goalie.
  • When a defensive player covers the puck there will be a penalty.
  • If there is a flight during the game goalie is not allowed to go out of his crease. If he does so he will go to a minor penalty.
  • Attacking players can go into the crease if the puck goes inside the crease.
  • No doubt attacking players can go to the crease but if they try to contact the goalie there will be a penalty.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the creasing rule in NHL?

An attacking player will not be allowed to enter the crease unless the puck goes inside the crease. The attacking players cannot decide whether the goal is allowed or not. For instance: the goal of the attacking player should be allowed when they are standing inside the crease.

Who is allowed in the crease?

The players and goalies both are allowed to go in the crease. Even if the player can go inside the crease they can still go to the penalty box. If the player goes inside the crease and contacts the goalie he will go to the penalty box for 2 minutes.

What is a crease violation?

An irritating player is not allowed to enter the blue-shaded area during the game. If he tries to enter that circled area no goal will be accepted inside the crease.

Conclusion: What is the purpose of the goalie crease in hockey?

The crease is a blue-shaded area located in front of the hockey goal. This crease is used by the goalie to stop the goals of the opposing team. The Crease provides protection to the goalie from contact with any other player so he can concentrate on his target. 

Crease also offers a specific zone to the goalie so he can stop the puck and goals. A goalie gets a specific position with a crease where he can play freely. A goalie is not allowed to go out of his crease once he enters the crease during the game. If the goalie comes outside his zone there will be a minor penalty.

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